Announcement of the completion of the merger project between CSS spedition s.r.o. and the successor MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s.
Dear Business Partners,
I take this opportunity to inform you that based on the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s., held on 30.6.2021, it was in accordance with Act No. 125/2008 Coll., on transformations of business corporations and cooperatives as amended, with referring in particular to the provisions of Sections 70, 88, 100 and 155 of the Act on transformations, the national merger merger project proposed by the statutory bodies of the subsidiary CSS spedition s.r.o. was approved. and the parent company MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s.. The wording of the project is part of the collection of documents of the commercial register of both companies, and the notice of its deposit, including legal notices, was published in the commercial journal.
At the end of the entire process of the national merger (the decisive accounting date of the merger is 1/1/2021, the entry in the register will be proposed on 31/12/2021, the final state of the merger will occur on 1/1/2022), the parent company MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s. as the Successor Company, it will enter into the legal status of the Terminating Subsidiary CSS spedition s.r.o., including rights and obligations from bilateral and multilateral contractual relationships. All participations of the Terminating Company in business relationships with customers, suppliers, institutional partners and the state administration, including existing obligations and claims arising from these relationships, will thus be transferred to the successor company.
All assets of the Expiring Company, including rights and obligations from labor relations, will be transferred to the Successor Company. MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s. thus, as a result of the merger, becomes the acquiring employer within the meaning of § 338 et seq. Act No. 262/2006 Coll. the Labor Code as amended and all employees of the defunct company CSS spedition s.r.o. will thus become employees of the successor company MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s.
All communication channels, such as telephone numbers, email addresses, correspondence addresses and bank account numbers will remain unchanged and functional for at least 12 months. You will be informed of any changes well in advance, so that this change does not disrupt the smooth process of existing cooperation.
The only change as of January 1, 2022 will be the invoicing data, when instead of the defunct company CSS spedition s.r.o. will be new:
MAENTIVA Cargo, a.s.
IČ: 27860612
DIČ: CZ 27860612
located at: Stanislava Maliny 464, 397 01 Písek
The shareholders and statutory bodies of both companies cite the simplification of the property and organizational structure in the MAENTIVA group and the importance of streamlining and optimizing internal and external processes in the division of international transport, logistics and customs services in the form of centralization under one company and one brand as the reason for the transformation.
In Prague on 1.12. 2021
Best regards
Martin Bláha
chairman of the board of directors